Meanwhile, a large clan of boars, led by the blind boar-god Okkoto (Okkotonushi) attack Irontown to save the forest. San soon begins to develop romantic feelings for Ashitaka. She takes him to the forest, and decides to trust him after the mighty Forest Spirit saves his life. San awakens and is about to kill the dying Ashitaka, but hesitates when he tells her that she is beautiful. As he leaves the town carrying San, he is shot by a villager, and falls unconscious while heading for the forest. Soon after, San infiltrates Irontown to kill Eboshi, but Ashitaka intervenes, knocking them both unconscious. Eboshi explains that San, whom she calls Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫 Mononoke-hime?), was raised by the wolves as one of their own, and has a deep hatred for humankind. Ashitaka also learns Eboshi is responsible for turning Nago into the demon. The town is a refuge for social outcasts, including former brothel workers and lepers, whom Eboshi employs to manufacture firearms to defend against the gods. In Irontown, Ashitaka learns Eboshi has built the town by clear-cutting forests to reclaim ironsand and produce iron, leading to conflict with the forest gods. He carries the injured through the forest, where he encounters many kodama (木魂?), and glimpses the Forest Spirit. Later, Ashitaka discovers two injured Irontown men, and sees San and the wolf clan he greets them, but they ignore him and leave. Riding one of the wolves is San, a human girl. Nearby, a convoy returning to Irontown (たたら場 Tataraba?), led by Lady Eboshi, is attacked by a wolf clan led by the wolf-goddess Moro.

Heading west, Ashitaka meets Jigo (Jiko-bō in the original dub), a wandering monk, who tells Ashitaka that he might find help from the Great Forest Spirit (Deer God (シシ神 Shishi-gami?)), a Kirin-like creature by day and a giant Nightwalker by night. The village's wise woman (Oracle in the original dub) tells Nago that she bow down before him and pass on in peace and bear no hatred, and Nago has his last words to the villagers "Disgusting little creatures, soon all of you will feel my hate and suffer as I have suffered." That night, she tells Ashitaka that he may find a cure in the western lands Nago came from under exile. The demon is revealed to be a boar god, Nago, corrupted by an iron ball lodged in his body. The curse gives him superhuman fighting ability, but will eventually kill him. The last Emishi prince, Ashitaka, kills the demon before it reaches the village, but not before its corruption curses his right arm. In Muromachi period Japan, an Emishi village is attacked by a demon (祟り神 tatari-gami?).

It was the first Studio Ghibli film to be a major hit outside of Japan and began Ghibli's worldwide attention. Princess Mononoke was first released in Japan on July 12, 1997, and in the United States on October 29, 1999. The term "Mononoke" (物の怪 or もののけ?) is not a name, but a general term in the Japanese language for a spirit or monster a closer rendering of the title into English would be "The Mononoke Princess" or "The Spirit Princess". The story follows the young Emishi warrior Ashitaka's involvement in the struggle between the supernatural guardians of a forest and the humans who consume its resources. Princess Mononoke is a period drama set in the late Muromachi period (approximately 1337 to 1573) of Japan, but with fantasy elements. The film stars the voices of Yōji Matsuda, Yuriko Ishida, Yūko Tanaka, Kaoru Kobayashi, Masahiko Nishimura, Akihiro Miwa, Mitsuko Mori, and Hisaya Morishige. It was animated by Studio Ghibli and produced by Toshio Suzuki. My Neighbors the Yamadas Source Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫 Mononoke-hime) is a 1997 anime epic historical fantasy adventure film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.